Home / Admissions

1. To a child with a statement of special educational need that names this school.
3. To those living nearest to the school.
Parents should contact the local authority to find out about your admission arrangements. Please click here to be redirected to the Birmingham City Council School Admissions Page.
The School Appeals Process
There is advice available for parent/carers regarding the appeals process from the Department for Education. View the guidance for appeals.
A new School Admission Appeals Code was implemented on 1 October 2022. View the School Admission Appeals Code 2022.
The new Appeals Code allows appeal hearings to be held remotely by video conference. Birmingham City Council conducts appeals using Microsoft Teams.
Families will be able to access their hearing using a mobile telephone, tablet, laptop or any device that can access the internet via an internet browser.
Full and clear instructions will be provided with the appeal invite.
Submitted appeals will be processed in due course, and you will receive an invitation for your appeal hearing from the School Appeals Team approximately 14 days prior to the hearing .
You will also be provided with an information leaflet with more details on how the hearings will operate.
Please note that both the School Admissions and Fair Access Service and the School Appeals Team request that, if you need to contact someone about your appeal, you use email wherever possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the School Admissions and Fair Access Service on 0121 303 1888 or email
Papers for appeals
Submit additional information
If you submit additional information on the day of the hearing, the independent appeal panel will decide whether to consider it, taking into account its significance.